Coaching Services

Our ten primary categories of coaching and consulting include:

Growth Planning

Your business has seen continuous growth and without warning it declines.  That is a perfect scenario for our coaches can do an analysis of your business and recommend changes.  In addition to existing businesses, we also work with start-up businesses to implement best practices.

Strategic Planning

You feel comfortable with the day to day business but you need help with a 5 year plan?   Our team can help with long term planning.   As part of this plan, your business may have a target to achieve 15% growth may be desired.   With this growth target, how many employees will you need?   Our ideal projects can be one-off projects or an entire 5-year business plan giving guidance on your entire company.

Business Assessment

Our team can perform an assessment of your business for a variety of different reasons.   It might be to figure out how to add a complementary business to increase revenue.   We also might do a full assessment and analysis about your business and suggest a number of ideas for improvements.  Because of the range of needs, we offer both a high-level assessment or an in depth discovery sessions.

Marketing Planning

Businesses of different types require diverse marketing programs to find the best ROI for your marketing spend.   Some businesses may do well using more traditional marketing such as flyers or ads whereas other businesses may only respond to Google Adwords.   We can help you define what works for your business and then put in place various tracking methods so you can understand what marketing is driving the right type of customer for your business.

Specific Marketing Planning Topics include:  Market Analysis, Digital Marketing, Website Planning, Social Media, Google Adwords, Traditional Marketing, Product Pricing, Data Analysis

Sales Planning

Our team can help with any sales challenge you have.   Maybe you never had a sales person or sales team before and are now interested in bringing in person full time.   We can advise you on hiring, how to structure their pay and even train them on the best sales practices to be successful.

Specific Sales Planning Topics Include: Incentive programs, sales structure, Inside sales, call center, sales automation, sales team assessment, payment processing, scheduling, google adwords, sales funnel planning

Business Valuation

If you are in the process of buying or selling a business, we can help you value the business to help determine a purchase or sales price.   There are a number of different methods we can use to determine the best price.   Sometimes it’s worth looking at a couple different methods to figure out to compare them against each other.   Discounted Cash Flow, Capitalization of Earnings, Asset-Based Valuations and Market-Based Valuation are methods we can use to come up with a value.

Business Process Automation

The variety of off the shelf technology out there today helping solve the hardest process related issues can be overwhelming.  We can help you determine the best fit for the business problem you are trying to solve.  No matter if you are automating the sales process, looking to decrease costs or converting to all electronic forms, there is a solution out there and we can help find it for you.

Business Process Automation Topics Include: Email communication programs, CRM, invoicing, website automation, payment processing, customer scheduling  

Franchise and New Business Discovery

If you are new to the world of purchasing businesses, the process can be intimidating.  Our expertise extends from small to medium size local businesses all the way up to national franchises.   No matter what business you have , let us evaluate the best fit for your expertise and investment amount.   We have members on staff who have years of experience as both a franchisor as well as a franchisee.   We understand the Franchise Disclosure Document  and can help point out considerations.

Areas Served: Existing business evaluations, Start-ups ideas, franchise selection, franchise creation

Business Coaching and Business Consulting

Our clients are often perplexed and ask if they should be hiring a coach or a consultant.   We recommend not to get hung up on what companies call themselves but focus on what they can provide.   No matter what your business issue, we are confident we can help advise you on the latest challenge.   If you would like to bring us options for a solution and get our advice we can provide that.    If you don’t have the expertise, we can also provide you with a full turnkey solution to any business issue you may have.

Areas Include: Coaching, consulting, evaluations, Decision Making,

Virtual Executive

For smaller companies, you may not have employees with expertise in certain areas.   We offer a unique service where our staff can be hired temporarily to fill a position until the project is completed or a person is hired full time.   We can fill in for one day up to months at a time.   You can feel comfortable that you have an executive level person helping you make decisions to grow the company that you have invested unmeasurable amount of time and effort.

Positions we can serve Include: Chief Marketing Officer, Sales Manager, Product Manager, Product Marketing and Social Media Director